Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hardware disabling the mic on WyzeCam v2

1 minute, 15 seconds

I’m testing out using two of these cute, cheap security cameras:

It’s the v2 of the WyzeCam and it’s only $25 shipped.

While they’re easy to set up, there doesn’t seem to be a way to turn off the mics on them. Here’s the config screen for a camera on the android app as of version 1.2.76 on Apr 26, 2018:

So what’s a hacker to do? Open it up and remove the mic, of course ;)

2019/01/10 Update – At this point in the post, I should let you know that we’re about to permanently remove your camera microphone. As well, there’s a chance you can rip off the antenna cable, effectively bricking your camera.  Only one reader has reported any problems, but as with all DIY modifications, proceed at your own risk and happy hacking!

2018/05/08 Update! – If you just yank off the mic there’s a LOT less disassembly. I had two more cams come through, so I made a video of the whole thing. 10 minutes or less! Otherwise, read on below for old, solder method.

Old Solder method – I was too impatient to take all the step by step photos, but the only tricky part was getting the two plastic plates off after the initial two outer screws. My advise: it takes more force than you think!

You have to fully disassemble the camera to be able to solder out the mic. There were 5 or 6 screws, two ribbon cables and an antenna, speaker and camera power lead that all needed to be taken apart.

Here’s a before and after picture:

After re-assembling both cameras everything still works – w00t! Here’s to hardwired audio privacy, as it should be.

Stubby + Pi-Hole + Quad9 + LXD

7 minutes, 12 seconds


For some time now, really since last November, I’ve wanted to do two things: Encrypt all my DNS traffic leaving my house LAN and run an instance of Pi-Hole to reduce ads spamming my browser (and running cryptocurrency mining software ;). As well, even if you’re connecting to a web server over HTTPS, your DNS lookups are still in the clear free to monitor, monetize or possible mangle. I thought I wanted to do this on a single, small single board computer. I even bought a few of these sweet Orange Pi Zero boards to run it on!

However, in the end I realized I already had a dual core/quad thread i3 NUC running my ownCloud instance, and I could leverage that to run some of my favorite software: LXD! See my previous write up on setting up LXD so that your containers get an IP accessible on your LAN.


Once you have LXD set up, then we can create two containers with two static IPs on your LAN, one to run the awesome ad-blocking Pi-Hole and anther to run Stubby which we’ll use to run an encrypted DNS tunnel to Quad9. Quad9 is the semi-new DNS service that does not log, is very fast and is anycasted to over 100 locations world wide. Full disclosure, I work for PCH which sponsors Quad9.

To make provisioning Ubuntu instances easier in LXD, I have this bash script which I’ve cobbled together from various sources:

# Create LXD container
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo " myvm member"
echo "    or    "
echo " myvm default"
###### VARS
version: 1
- type: physical
name: eth0
- type: static
ipv4: true
address: $IP_4
gateway: $GATEWAY
control: auto
- type: nameserver
lxc launch ubuntu: $NAME -c"$NC" -c user.user-data="$UC" -p $PROFILE

My LAN has a subnet of, so I used these two calls to make my two LXD instances: pihole default stubby default

Now my (only 2 (for now ;)) LXD containers are running and ready with static IPs:

# lxc list -c n,s,4
|  NAME  |  STATE  |         IPV4         |
| pihole | RUNNING | (eth0) |
| stubby | RUNNING | (eth0) |


The Pi-Hole folks have made the install awesomely easy. You just run this one liner after connecting to your Pi-Hole container:

curl -sSL | bash

Of course, you shouldn’t just trust random commands you copy and paste from the Internet, so you can git clone from their repo as well. During the install, you can choose what ever DNS provider you want as we’re going to change it. Otherwise, accept all the defaults. Do notice the admin password at the end – you’ll need this!

After the installer is done, you should be able to to your Pi-Hole IP to log into the admin web GUI. For me this is at After you’re logged in, go to the DNS settings page. For me this is

Once here, change “Interface listening behavior” to “Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins”. As well, change “Upstream DNS Servers” to be only the IP of your stubby container. For me this is

Now let’s go set up stubby at!


I’ve found a number of guides that show you how to install both Pi-Hole and Stubby on the same box, often a Raspberry Pi. While convenient to not have more hardware on your network, they also have to hack Pi-Hole to see Stubby. The reason is that Pi-Hole can’t talk to anything but port 53 on which ever IP your specify. The hack is then to get dnsmasq that Pi-Hole uses to talk directly to Stubby. The Pi-Hole GUI cannot see this change and it may get overwritten on Pi-Hole upgrades. The fact that I could have 10 or 20 containers and I’d still run the same amount of hardware coupled with the fact that the config (see Pi-Hole section above) is all done cleanly and upgrade safely in the GUI, made me use two discrete containers.

This Stubby install guide below is 99.99% not mine, so please thank redditor SphericalRedundancy and his comment about setting up Stubby on Ubuntu. Thanks SphericalRedundancy! The changes I made is to move another comment about running ldconfig as a key component of the install and remove Pi-Hole specific changes. Oh, the other change is that I want to run Stubby on port 53 which is a privileged port, so I run Stubby as root instead of creating a new user (stubby).

Install build & run time dependencies

sudo apt install -y build-essential libssl-dev libtool m4 autoconf
sudo apt install -y libev4 libyaml-dev libidn11 libuv1 libevent-core-2.0.5 

Build Stubby

git clone
cd getdns
git checkout develop
git submodule update --init
libtoolize -ci
autoreconf -fi
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr/local --without-libidn --without-libidn2 --enable-stub-only --with-ssl --with-stubby
sudo make install 

Configure stubby.yml

cd ../stubby
cp stubby.yml.example stubby.yml
sed -i.bak '/  -,/  -  0::1/{/  -  0::1/ s/.*/  -\
  -  0::2@2053/; t; d}' stubby.yml
sudo /usr/bin/install -Dm644 stubby.yml /etc/stubby.yml 

Configure stubby.service

cd systemd
echo ' ' > ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i [Unit]' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i Description=stubby DNS resolver' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i [Service]' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/stubby -C /etc/stubby.yml' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i Restart=on-abort' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i User=root' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i [Install]' ./stubby.service
sed -i '$i' ./stubby.service 

Install stubby service

sudo /usr/bin/install -Dm644 stubby.conf /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/stubby.conf
sudo /usr/bin/install -Dm644 stubby.service /lib/systemd/system/stubby.service 

Edit host file

sudo sed -i '/' /etc/hosts
sudo sed -i '/0::2/d' /etc/hosts
sudo sed -i '$i     Stubby' /etc/hosts
sudo sed -i '$i 0::2          Stubby-v6' /etc/hosts 

Add path to libgetdns library & running ldconfig

sudo sed -i '$i LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib' /etc/environment
sudo /sbin/ldconfig -v

Enable and run stubby service

sudo systemctl enable stubby
sudo systemctl start stubby 

Clean up

cd ../../../
rm -rf ./getdns/ 


Before we configure Stubby to use Quad9’s DNS over TLS service, let’s test everything to make sure it’s working. From the Stubby container, let’s make sure Stubby is working by running sudo systemctl status stubby. My output looks like this:

● stubby.service - stubby DNS resolver
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/stubby.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-04-20 17:32:27 UTC; 2 days ago
 Main PID: 14731 (stubby)
    Tasks: 1
   Memory: 2.8M
      CPU: 13.951s
   CGroup: /system.slice/stubby.service
           └─14731 /usr/local/bin/stubby -C /etc/stubby.yml

Apr 20 17:32:27 stubby systemd[1]: Started stubby DNS resolver.
Apr 20 17:32:27 stubby stubby[14731]: [17:32:27.969574] STUBBY: Read config from file /etc/stubby.yml
Apr 20 17:32:27 stubby stubby[14731]: [17:32:27.970478] STUBBY: DNSSEC Validation is OFF
Apr 20 17:32:27 stubby stubby[14731]: [17:32:27.970498] STUBBY: Transport list is:
Apr 20 17:32:27 stubby stubby[14731]: [17:32:27.970506] STUBBY:   - TLS
Apr 20 17:32:27 stubby stubby[14731]: [17:32:27.970515] STUBBY: Privacy Usage Profile is Strict (Authentication required)
Apr 20 17:32:27 stubby stubby[14731]: [17:32:27.970522] STUBBY: (NOTE a Strict Profile only applies when TLS is the ONLY 
Apr 20 17:32:27 stubby stubby[14731]: [17:32:27.970529] STUBBY: Starting DAEMON....

All good! Now let’s ensure DNS lookups are working using the default DNS servers with a dig call, again while logged into your Stubby instance:

dig @ -p 2053 +short

Sweet! So if we use port 2053 on the localhost IP of, Stubby is listening and relaying the DNS lookups. All good.

Now edit /etc/stubby.yml so this section:

  -  0::2@2053

Looks like this:

  -  0::2@2053

Again, swap out the 192 IP with what ever IP you’re using for your Stubby instance. Now find *all* the sections after upstream_recursive_servers: in that same file and ensure that only Quad9 is there:

  - address_data:
    tls_auth_name: ""

Removing all comments and empty lines, my complete stubby.yml file looks like this (thanks to this handy grep call: egrep -v '#' /etc/stubby.yml |grep -v -e '^$'):

tls_query_padding_blocksize: 128
edns_client_subnet_private : 1
idle_timeout: 10000
  -  0::2@2053
round_robin_upstreams: 1
  - address_data:
    tls_auth_name: ""

Now let’s restart Stubby and make sure it still works with another dig command (again, use your Stubby IP where the 192 IP is), but this time we don’t specify a port so the default 53 is used:

sudo systemctl restart stubby 
dig @ +short

All good! Finally, we already configured the Pi-Hole instance to use .21 (but you use your IP!) so we can test the full round trip by running a dig call against it which will, int turn, use the Stubby proxy:

sudo systemctl restart stubby 
dig @ +short

The final step is to configure your router to hand out as the DNS server. Each router is different, but for me, I run pfSense, so I changed it there under “ServicesDHCP -> ServerLAN” and then on the page under “DNS servers” I entered just my Pi-Hole IP (you enter yours though, not mine!) of

Now you can enjoy ad blocked, unlogged, encrypted DNS on your home LAN – w00t!


2 minutes, 41 seconds

Be sure to read my follow up post about trekking in Nepal after the conference!


This is post closely mirrors my trip 2 years ago to attend SANOG 27: a conference followed by some awesome tourism. Like before I was luck to have my work send me to APRICOT 2018 and was again humbled to have my talk selected for presenting.

APRICOT is the “Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies”. It’s more or less a larger SANOG meeting encompassing a greater regional area so more folks come. However, a lot of the usual suspects were in attendance (if I can get away saying that having only been to two conferences in Kathmandu ;).

Talks and Workshops

Note: All links below have full YouTube streams to watch and decks to download. Be sure to click through if you’re interested in knowing more about any of them!

I attended a slew of talks, but some of highlights for me were:

  • Daniel Griggs of NZRS gave a fun talk, “Accidental Data Analytics” that was eerily similar to mine and presented immediately before me.
  • Yasunari Momoi and Kota Kanbe’s talk “Vuls & VulsRepo” was…just pure awesome. Especially Kota’s half of the talk. He’s inspired me to do a pull request for how to deploy Vuls on Ubuntu server.
  • I missed the first half, but I very much enjoyed Dima Bekerman’s workshop “Brace Yourselves: DDoS is Coming“.
  • My own co-worker Gaël Hernandez’s talk was of course great to see, “Building and operating a global DNS content delivery anycast network“. It’s always a fun twist to see a presentation intended for outsiders on something that you’re so deeply inside of.
  • While it was plagued with some unfortunate overwhelming of the Hypervisor used for the workshop, Nick Hilliard’s, “IXP Manager Tutorial – Part 2” was a good introduction to introduction to IXP Manager, which I only knew about in concept, not practice.
  • Artyom Gavrichenkov’s talk, “DNS Survival Guide” was a fun history of DNS including up to date comparison of which resolvers are fastest (BIND isn’t even on the list ;). As well, his lightening talk on Feb 28th titled “Memcached amplification DDoS: a 2018 threat” was ridiculously prescient: literally the very next day the largest recorded DDoS hit the ‘net. This was a 1.1Tbps (yes, capital “T” for “Terabit”) attack hit GitHub on March 1st using the Mecached amplification.


As I mentioned earlier, I was lucky enough to be selected to speak at APRICOT this year. Unlike my security based talk last trip, I was speaking about DNS and Stats this time. Specifically, my talk was title, “Visualizing a global DNS network with open source tools“. While the final, customer facing product I’m talking about (ccTLD DNS Stats) isn’t live yet (it’s in internal Beta), all the software I talk about is ready for prime time. Well…DNSAuth could use some love, but the other three are prime time ready, for sure ;) Those are:

  • DNSAuth – PCH Go App for cooking pcaps to TSDB faster
  • MapTable – PCH JS app for rendering SVG maps and tables
  • C3.js – Client side, real time charts
  • InfluxDB – TSDB to archive data

Networking and co-workers

It was a real treat to go to Nepal to attend APRICOT. Like all good conferences, you meet a lot of people that you can network with. I had a lot of fun conversations! Best thing of all about going to APRICOT was that I got to chat with all my co-workers, including two I’d never met before who came all the way from Dublin and Johannesburg. Awesome!

Poon Hill Trek

3 minutes, 53 seconds

Be sure to read my prior post about attending the APRICOT 2018 conference in Nepal before the trek!

Intro & Highlights

This was my first time trekking and my first time trekking in Nepal. While we had considered a more rigorous route of the Annapurna Base Camp (ABC), the max elevation of 4130m (13,400ft) had me concerned. I opted for a much more tame Poon Hill route, which tops out at 3210m (10,000ft) which was more my speed. In the end the elevation ended up being a non-issue. In fact, just about all my concerns were non issues ;)

We started on day 1 with celebrating Holi. At first we were reticent, but then joined the festivities by having the local kids do us up. It was lovely.

My favorite day for views was day 3. Poon Hill was clear for our pre-dawn hike and the sunrise and Annapurna mountains were breath taking. Bring money to pay for the entrance fee and hot drinks at the top of the hike! The rest of the day the mountain views kept us company and they were epic. Thanks Nepal!!

The rest of the trip was amazing. While you can feel modern amenities creeping in every town, the both benefit the towns folk and pull the “rural-ness” away from what you can tell was once a remote village. You know, the old man in me wants to have no tech when I hike/trek. I’m there to experience the place and nature, not check me email ;)

Farm animals where everywhere and it was a delight to see them. All the locals were nice, though some drove a harder bargain for their tea house prices. Check around a bit and don’t settle for the first one.

Click any of the photos in this post to see the gallery! Note, you’ll see pictures of my work conference too ;)

Finally, there was a really…oddly comforting I guess, moment when the cabi on the way to Pokhora put on “Like a Virgin“. I loved it (it’s the second clip in this video). Sorry I was too lazy to edit this video down, it’s 3 min long:


Based on this write up, among others, we ended up doing this route (all prices in US Dollars and are per person):

  • Day 1: Kathmandu -> Pokhora – 30 Minute Flight $250
  • Day 1: Pokhora -> Nayapul – 1.5 hour Taxi $30
  • Day 1: Nayapul -> Hile – 1 hour Jeep $30
  • Day 1: Hile -> Uleri – trek
  • Day 2: Uleri -> Ghorepani -> Poon Hill -> Ghorepani (day hike to Poon Hill after dropping packs ;)- trek
  • Day 3: Ghorepani -> Poon Hill -> Ghorepani -> Tadapani – trek
  • Day 4: Tadapani -> Taulung -> Chomrong -> Taulung -> Chinu/Jhinudanda – trek
  • Day 5: Chinu/Jhinudanda -> Tolka – trek
  • Day 5: Tolka -> Pokhora – 1 hour Jeep $15
  • Day 5: Pokhora -> Kathmandu – 30 Minute Flight paid for on first item

I strongly encourage you pick up a map in Kathmandu or Pokhora. They’re cheap and really handy to have. We got this one which was readily available in map stores in Thamel.

Packing list

My pack was 9.5kg. I think if I didn’t carry spare running sneakers, USB battery, as fully stocked first aid kit, and micro 4 3rds camera, I’d have been around 7.5 or 8. I have no regrets though! My list is taken (and culled) from The “two shirts, one for hiking, one for not” was really great. During the warmer months you could totally skip the sleeping bag to save some real weight. The tea houses all had blankets. While I took photos with my nice camera I mentioned above, I actually was fine with cell phone’s pictures, given it’s a newer phone. Walking poles are optional, but I loved them. My gaiters and rain pants went unused the entire trip.

Hiking Clothes

  • Hiking Pants
  • 2 short sleeve shirt (preferably a “technical” shirt with synthetic fibers to help keep you dry)
  • 2 pairs of socks (in case one pair gets wet during the day, you can change socks)
  • upper and lower base layer
  • Down jacket
  • Sun hat
  • warm hat
  • Gloves (look for ones with Gore-Tex)
  • Raincoat
  • Rainpants
  • gaiters
  • Hiking Boots Water proof
  • Sunglasses
  • running shoes/flip flops


  • Backpack
  • Phone & Cord (doubles as camera)
  • Map
  • Sleeping bag
  • Water purification tabs
  • Water bladder (2 liter size)
  • Headlamp
  • Pack rain cover
  • Passport & Permits (you’ll be asked for these at every checkpoint)
  • Cash –
  • Ziplock bags for organizing/waterproof


Toothpaste, soap and TP can be bought along the way if you want.

  • Toilet Paper
  • Soap
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Sunscreen
  • Lip balm with SPF
  • nail trimmer
  • ear plugs (tea houses can be LOUD)
  • First aid kit with at least: band aids, moleskin, ibuprofen, antidiarrheal, tweezers


  • Power Plug adapter (just about every tea house had a universal outlet that fit every wall charger)
  • Pillowcase
  • Trekking poles
  • Real Camera & Extra battery

You’ll want a small pack – no bigger than 40L likely – to fit this in. That big-ass “I fit it all on my back” pack that you carry your tent, stove, pots and pans and food for a week is too big! Here’s my pack (foot for scale) and a day pack I checked at my hotel in Kathmandu with a change of clothes and other stuffs I didn’t want to bring with:

Laser cut Spirograph and gift box

0 minutes, 35 seconds

For E’s birthday two months ago I made him a laser cut spirograph. It works pretty well and I really enjoyed making it! I tried downloading some existing plans for them, but they didn’t mesh well. I ended up using Inkscape to draw the gears. That tutorial makes them look pretty for an illustration, but they’re real gears and the mesh well! Not perfect, but well enough. For the case I started with a basic box-joint box from the ever awesome MakerCase, and then used Inkscape to add the florishes.

If you want to make one yourself, here’s the .svg of the two inner and outer gears. If you want to make the case, here’s the .svg for that too.

Otherwise, enjoy the fabrication and final product pictures:

Poor man’s debugging high load on an Apache server

1 minute, 58 seconds

Hopefully you have a fancy solution to monitor your logs, but if you don’t, then I have a little treat for you. At work today I was trouble shooting why our web server would spike up to a load average of over 200 (I’d never actually seen a quad core server go much over 40 – neat!).  At first I stumbled around looking for non-obvious causes and then I just looked at the traffic.

I was pretty sure a single IP was slamming our server at midnight UTC.  To verify this I wrote a quick bash script to log the load averages, the count of the top process and it’s name, and finally, the count and IP of the top visitor over the prior minute.  It’s 13 lines of actual code and more than double that with comments.

By executing this in a crontab entry every minute, we get nice easy to read logs (and easy for a computer to parse):

* * * * * /root/ >> /var/log/httpd/apachetop.load.ps_log

The resulting log entry has the following handy fields:

  • LOAD_1 – load average for past 1 minute\
  • LOAD_5 – load average for past 5 minutes
  • LOAD_15 – load average for past 15 minutes
  • APACHE_CNT – Count of top IP in the last minute
  • APACHE_IP – Top IP in the last minute
  • APACHE_DIR – Top Directory being hit by IP
  • PROCESS_CNT – Count of top process
  • PROCESS – Process name for count

A sample log entry looks like this:

30/Nov/2017:07:24 LOAD_1="1.60" LOAD_5="1.50" LOAD_15="1.35" APACHE_CNT="5" APACHE_IP="" APACHE_DIR="/resources" PROCESS_CNT="25" PROCESS="/usr/sbin/httpd"

Otherwise, here’s the code from my gist, but please check it out on GitHub!

#!/usr/bin/env bash
date=`date --date='1 minutes ago' +%d/%b/%Y:%R`
apache=`grep $date /var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log |grep -v '::1'|cut -d' ' -f1,6,7|cut -d'/' -f 1,2|sort|uniq -c|sort -nr|head -n 1|tr '"' ' '|xargs`
apache_count=`echo $apache|cut -d' ' -f 1`
apache_IP=`echo $apache|cut -d' ' -f 2`
apache_dir=`echo $apache|cut -d' ' -f 4`
load1=`uptime|cut -d' ' -f14|tr ',' ' '|xargs`
load5=`uptime|cut -d' ' -f15|tr ',' ' '|xargs`
load15=`uptime|cut -d' ' -f16|tr ',' ' '|xargs`
process=`ps xa|cut -d':' -f 2|cut -d' ' -f 2|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn|head -n 1|tr '\n' ' '|xargs`
process_count=`echo $process|cut -d' ' -f 1`
process_name=`echo $process|cut -d' ' -f 2`
echo $date LOAD_1=\"$load1\" LOAD_5=\"$load5\" LOAD_15=\"$load15\" APACHE_CNT=\"$apache_count\" APACHE_IP=\"$apache_IP\" APACHE_DIR=\"$apache_dir\" PROCESS_CNT=\"$process_count\" PROCESS=\"$process_name\"

1 year running a Tor middle relay

0 minutes, 22 seconds

pliptorYay!  I’m proud to announce that plip has been running a Tor middle relay for exactly a year. I believe in on-line privacy and anonymity and when I had some time after leaving my last gig, I spent quite a bit of time learning about Tor.  Though I aspired to run an exit relay, the potential hassle was too much. Instead, I was happy to learn about The Amnesic Incognito Live System (aka Tails) and set up a middle relay.  Here’s to another year!

MultiPressDev 2.1 Released

0 minutes, 37 seconds

I’m sure you’re all waiting with bated breath for the next release of MPD. Rest easy my friends. Issue #2 on MultiPressDev has just been closed. All versions of WordPress now load with the minor exception of v3.3.3.  But we all know that 3.3.3 is half of 6.6.6, so it’s probably the devil at work there.  Or you know, this:

[Sun May 17 06:19:22.061928 2015] [:error] [pid 10493] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Access to undeclared static property: WP_Screen::$this in /vagrant/wordpress/3_3_3/wp-admin/includes/screen.php on line 706, referer: http://localhost:8080/3_3_3/wp-login.php

That minor bug aside, I feel like this is the first really usable version of the app.  I’m excited!

Future releases should include:

  • Admin GUI to reset DB and core install of any one version
  • Purty list of all versions with deep links to admin GUI
  • Support for Themes

Stay tuned!

Ken Osborn – a great bay area photographer

0 minutes, 37 seconds

Recently I was looking for a print of old train station in Oakland, CA at 16th street. I stumbled upon this great picture on flickr:

16th st station

I contacted the photographer, Ken Osborn, and asked if he sold prints of this great shot.  He told me that not only did he sell his photographs, but that he preferred to send a digital copy and let me decide on how I’d like to print it.  The icing on the cake was that he let me set the price I’d like to pay after I received the digital copy.   Wowza!  Ken was extremely easy to work with and very progressive when it comes to copyright and selling his prints.  I highly recommend you drop him a line if you like any of his shots!