1 minute, 16 seconds
For some time now, I’ve been thinking that I need to add a category to this blog that is for cataloging and giving away for use punk rock band names. I guess I should really call them just “band names”, as they’re not all categorically for punk or punk rock bands. However, for even longer, I’d say back in school when I was hanging out with Scott at the old location of the Bike Doctor, we’d say something funny and say, “man, that’d be a great punk rock band name!” So, this is the first in a series of names that I think some one should use as their, possibly punk rock, band name. Any names in this category are free to use with no reservations and what not. But maybe you’d like to give me a t-shirt of your band? A couple of tickets when you come to town?
For each post in this category I’ll give the name and any background on how I came up with it. Enjoy!
Punk Rock Band Name:Promiscuous Profusion of State
Background: I was reading up on Fathom and came across this passage (emphasis mine):
A study of existing projects like Readability and Distiller suggests that purely imperative approaches to semantic extraction get bogged down in the mechanics of DOM traversal and state accumulation, obscuring the operative parts of the extractors and making new ones long and tedious to write. They are also brittle due to the promiscuous profusion of state. Fathom is an exploration of whether we can make extractors simpler and more extensible by providing a declarative framework around these weak points. In short, Fathom handles tree-walking, execution order, and annotation bookkeeping so you don’t have to.
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