0 minutes, 30 seconds
I’m working on a chrome app. Maybe you are too! Maybe you want to do the old view-the-app-command-tab-back-to-editor-make-quick-tweak-save-command-tab-back-to-the-app-and-want-to-quickly-reload thang? Maybe you can’t reload your app quickly, like a good ol’ web page with “command + R” (or “ctrl + R” on windows)? Maybe you even saw that there’s a bug on file to fix this?
May I introduce the triple escape hack! If you add this snippet at the top of your app, all you need to do is hit the “esc” key 3 times and your app will reload:
var escCounter = 0; $(document).keyup(function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 27) { escCounter++ if (escCounter > 2){ chrome.runtime.reload() } } // esc });
Feel free to salt to taste with other key combos!