2 minutes, 31 seconds
After my friend over at The Worst Thing in the World (TWTITW) recently had a post about Radar charting a salad’s many axes, I thought it’d be funny to write a page that actually made the graphs. I’d been meaning to write a post about using Maxmind’s GeoIP library and data to do heat map of web activity, but this will be a good warm up. Behold the fully functional Plip Salad Tosser.
Let’s take a look at the components of the Tosser:
The Chart: I like using APIs that are easy, make me look good, and are well documented. That’s why I love Google’s Chart API. For this page I used a their radar chart and referenced which features are available at the handy chart feature matrix. A few nice touches were adding the dotted lines and the extra data point to complete the loop (is a that radar chart faux pas?).
Arrays and quick forms: Arrays are really handy. They make a form like these easy to change and you can implode them like mad for loop-less string creation of chart labels and the like. Further, you can bust out a quick loop to check for posted values or init random values for the form. WAY easier than hard coding the HTML and making edits over and over again.
Final Product: Here’s a salad radar chart made from step 3, Publish!
PHP: Here’s the top part of the page which does the actual form processing and image source concatenating.
// seed all options
$options = array(
// see if they want a random one
if (isset($_POST['No,_no,_wait____toss_me_a_random_salad!'])){
// hand POST or init
if (isset($_POST['d'])){
// grab vals if posted, pull name into local
// and unset name for easy imploding below
$postedAxes = $_POST['d'];
$name = $postedAxes['name'];
} else {
// init empty chart
foreach ($options as $axes){
$postedAxes[$axes] = rand(1,100);
$name = "Random Chart";
// seed drop down vals
$i = 1;
while ($i < 101){
$dropValsRaw[] = $i++;
// build up form HTML by looping through
// every axes
$formHTML = "";
foreach ($options as $axes){
$formHTML .= ' ';
$formHTML .= '';
// loop through evey axes value and check for
// posted value so folks can easily tweak graphs
$i = 1;
while ($i < 101){
if ($i == $postedAxes[$axes]) {
$formHTML .= "$i";
} else {
$formHTML .= "$i";
$formHTML .= $dropValsHTML;
$formHTML .= '';
$formHTML .= '
// concat final img src and use
// implode along the way where needed
$imgSrc = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?";
$imgSrc .= "cht=r&chs=500x400&";
$imgSrc .= "chd=t:".implode(",",$postedAxes).",".array_shift($postedAxes)."&";
$imgSrc .= "chco=669933&";
$imgSrc .= "chls=2.0,4.0,0.0&";
$imgSrc .= "chxt=x&";
$imgSrc .= "chxl=0:|".implode("|",$options)."&";
$imgSrc .= "chxr=0,0.0,360.0&";
$imgSrc .= "chm=B,66993380,0,1.0,5.0&";
$imgSrc .= "chg=25.0,25.0,4.0,4.0&";
$imgSrc .= "chtt=$name";
HTML: Below the PHP I have some descriptive text and a few headers and then I output the fruit of our lil’ scripts labor:
Salad Maker
My friend over at The
Worst Thing in the World (TWTITW) recently had a
post about the
axes of salad complexity. Based on their findings of 7 axes*,
I wrote a lil' form to enter and toss your own salad. Read
up on the code behind this page over at yon
Go forth, make your salad, rate it, and use this form to
publish your salad's findings (or is that finding your
* - Subject to TWTITW's whim and research
Step 1: Data Entry
Step 2: Analize
Step 3: Publish
Final Thought: Projects like this that take about two hours are fun and very gratifying for me. Leveraging existing code bases like Google’s Chart API is a great way to make a friend’s funny blog post into a fun educational experience that looks snazzy. Send in questions or comments!